Weather Insurance
Weather Insurance

Event weather insurance & Rain Insurance

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About Weather Insurance

What is Weather Insurance?

Weather insurance is a type of protection against a financial loss that may be incurred because of rain, snow, storms, wind, fog, undesirable temperatures or other adverse, measurable weather conditions.

Weather insurance is ideal for farmers, film producers, agricultural managers and operators (whose repayments are affected by harsh weather conditions), banks, to protect them from financial losses caused by the climatic conditions.

Weather Insurance

Who can take this policy?

The wrath of nature can not only be unpredictable, but also destructive. Natural calamities can affect us at various levels, and more viciously than we anticipate. To protect us from extreme weather conditions/variations, insurance companies offer weather insurance.

  • Farmers
  • Banks
  • Financial institutions / companies extending credit facility for agricultural/ non agricultural seasonal operations, whose repayments are affected by weather conditions

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1800 572 3234

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Mon-Fri: 9:30 am - 6:30 pm